In the book Methods of Islamic Thought (the term is Manhajut tafkir Al Islami) the work of Prof. Dr. Ali Gharishah mind when describing the relationship with the revelation, he said ".. connection between mind with the revelation that has contributed to a positive outcome at all. And so was born the various sciences, such as: Science Fiqh, Usul Fiqh Sciences, Science Musthalah Hadith, etc.
Understanding the science mantiq to Islam (Memahami ilmu mantiq untuk Islam)
In the book Methods of Islamic Thought (the term is Manhajut tafkir Al Islami) the work of Prof. Dr. Ali Gharishah mind when describing the relationship with the revelation, he said ".. connection between mind with the revelation that has contributed to a positive outcome at all. And so was born the various sciences, such as: Science Fiqh, Usul Fiqh Sciences, Science Musthalah Hadith, etc.
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