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Learning Arabic language (Bahasa Arab)

Arabic language (al-lughah اللغة العربية al-'Arabīyyah, or in summary عربي 'Arabi) is one of Central Semitic language, belonging to the Semitic language family and are related to Hebrew and Aramaic languages ​​Neo. Arabic language has more speakers than other languages ​​in the Semitic language family. He is spoken by more than 280 million people as first language, which mostly live in the Middle East and North Africa. This language is the official language of 25 countries, and is the language of worship in Islam because it is a language used by the Qur'an. Based on geographical distribution, conversational Arabic language has many variations (dialects), some dialects can not even understand each other. Modern Arabic is classified as a makrobahasa with 27 sub-languages ​​in ISO 639-3. Standard Arabic (sometimes called Arabic Literature) is widely taught in schools and universities, as well as used in the workplace, government and mass media.

Learning Arabic language (Bahasa Arab)


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